Table Of Content
- Norman Jewison, prolific director of films including ‘In the Heat of the Night’ and ‘Moonstruck,’ dies at 97
- Watch a time lapse video of the Broad museum construction
- A love letter to LACMA’s entrance plaza
- Let's keep in touch!
- Notes
- Stagecoach 2024: How to stream Morgan Wallen, Miranda Lambert and other sets at home

In the cab they continued to remain silent through the brief drive whichcarried them to the illuminated portals of the Stepneys’ hotel. Here heleft her outside, in the darkness of the raised hood, while his name wassent up to Stepney, and he paced the showy hall, awaiting the latter’sdescent. Ten minutes later the two men passed out together between thegold-laced custodians of the threshold; but in the vestibule Stepney drewup with a last flare of reluctance. Lily turned to obey; but as she did so, Mrs. Dorset, who had paused onher way out, moved a few steps back toward the table. It was in Bertha’s interest, certainly, that she had despatched Dorset toconsult with Lawrence Selden.
Norman Jewison, prolific director of films including ‘In the Heat of the Night’ and ‘Moonstruck,’ dies at 97
She made no immediate motion to do so, however, but droppinginto a chair looked wearily about her. Her room was large andcomfortably-furnished—it was the envy and admiration of poor GraceStepney, who boarded; but, contrasted with the light tints and luxuriousappointments of the guest-rooms where so many weeks of Lily’s existencewere spent, it seemed as dreary as a prison. The monumental wardrobe andbedstead of black walnut had migrated from Mr. Peniston’s bedroom, andthe magenta “flock” wall-paper, of a pattern dear to the early ’sixties,was hung with large steel engravings of an anecdotic character. Lily hadtried to mitigate this charmless background by a few frivolous touches,in the shape of a lace-decked toilet table and a little painted desksurmounted by photographs; but the futility of the attempt struck her asshe looked about the room. Once more the haunting sense of physicalugliness was intensified by her mental depression, so that each piece ofthe offending furniture seemed to thrust forth its most aggressive angle. She usually contrived to avoid being at home during the season ofdomestic renewal.
Watch a time lapse video of the Broad museum construction
But she had regainedher presence of mind, and stood composedly in the middle of the room,while her slight smile seemed to put an ever increasing distance betweenherself and Trenor. He led her through the house to the large room at the back, where Mrs.Trenor usually sat, and where, even in her absence, there was an air ofoccupancy. Here, as usual, were flowers, newspapers, a litteredwriting-table, and a general aspect of lamp-lit familiarity, so that itwas a surprise not to see Judy’s energetic figure start up from thearm-chair near the fire. She waited long enough on the doorstep to wonder that Judy’s presence intown was not signalized by a greater promptness in admitting her; and hersurprise was increased when, instead of the expected footman, pushing hisshoulders into a tardy coat, a shabby care-taking person in calico lether into the shrouded hall. Trenor, however, appeared at once on thethreshold of the drawing-room, welcoming her with unusual volubilitywhile he relieved her of her cloak and drew her into the room.
A love letter to LACMA’s entrance plaza
Rereading Edith Wharton - Public Books
Rereading Edith Wharton.
Posted: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Everything in hersurroundings ministered to feelings of ease and amenity. The windowsstood open to the sparkling freshness of the September morning, andbetween the yellow boughs she caught a perspective of hedges andparterres leading by degrees of lessening formality to the freeundulations of the park. Her maid had kindled a little fire on thehearth, and it contended cheerfully with the sunlight which slantedacross the moss-green carpet and caressed the curved sides of an oldmarquetry desk.
Scoop Star Gillian Anderson Reveals Why She Almost Gave Up Acting 24 Years Ago - MovieWeb
Scoop Star Gillian Anderson Reveals Why She Almost Gave Up Acting 24 Years Ago.
Posted: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Jack Stepney and Gwen (Van Osburgh) Stepney—A very wealthy couple—guests at Bellomont just before celebrating their wedding at the Van Osburgh's estate six weeks later. They belong to Old New York's high society, although their money comes from Gwen's side. Prior to his marriage, the nearly bankrupt Jack has business dealings with Simon Rosedale and has tried to afford him entrée into New York's high society. After marrying Gwen, Jack becomes plump, conservative, and complacent. Jack is Lily's cousin so he agrees to shelter her for the night after Bertha kicks her off her yacht for ostensibly carrying on romantically with Bertha's husband.
This is what Billie Eilish talks about when she’s not promoting ‘Barbie, Barbie, Barbie’
Miss Farish, it appeared, had just left the committee-meeting of astruggling charity in which she was interested. She pictured herselfleading such a life as theirs—a life in which achievement seemed assqualid as failure—and the vision made her shudder sympathetically. Theprice of the dressing-case was still in her pocket; and drawing out herlittle gold purse she slipped a liberal fraction of the amount into MissFarish’s hand. In her own room Lily turned up the gas-jet and glanced toward the grate.It was as brilliantly polished as the one below, but here at least shecould burn a few papers with less risk of incurring her aunt’sdisapproval.

Before falling asleep, she decides that she should declare her love to Selden. However, Lily remains convinced that she needs to find a way to reintegrate high society and become rich and powerful—her lifelong dream. Moved by desperation, Lily considers following Rosedale’s suggestion to use Bertha’s letters against her as a form of blackmail, so that Lily might reenter high society. Although Lily hesitates at length about whether or not she should do this, she finally experiences a moment of moral illumination and concludes that she cannot let herself behave in such an unethical way.
The Van Osburgh marriage was celebrated in the village church near thepaternal estate on the Hudson. The factthat her immediate anxieties were relieved did not blind her to apossibility of their recurrence; it merely gave her enough buoyancy torise once more above her doubts and feel a renewed faith in her beauty,her power, and her general fitness to attract a brilliant destiny. Itcould not be that one conscious of such aptitudes for mastery andenjoyment was doomed to a perpetuity of failure; and her mistakes lookedeasily reparable in the light of her restored self-confidence. She was especially careful to avoid her oldfriends and the scenes of her former successes. To be poor seemed to hersuch a confession of failure that it amounted to disgrace; and shedetected a note of condescension in the friendliest advances.
Although Lily is clearly Julia's favorite, displacing her previous favorite Grace Stepney, Julia never makes any verbal or written promise to provide for Lily in the long term. Although Lily and her friends believe that is "understood" that she will inherit most if not all of Julia's fortune, Julia herself never made such a statement. Indeed, her forbearance is stretched to the limit when rumors reach her that Lily gambles for money and is encouraging attention from married men who compensate her for it. As upset as Julia is by evidence of Lily's immoral behavior, she does not immediately ask Lily for details because it is easier to discredit the messenger.
Her fortuitous and successful encounter with Percy on the train to Bellomont further encourages her in pursuit of her goal. Her strategy gets interrupted, however, when Selden at week's end also appears on the scene unexpectedly. Lily then decides, on the spur of the moment, to set aside her well-thought-out tactics to pursue Percy in favor of spending some time with Selden. When, at a more rational moment, she returns to pursuing Percy, his mother-in law-to-be tells Lily at Jack Stepny's and Gwen Van Osburgh's wedding about his engagement to Evie Van Osburgh. Lily pleads with her aunt to help settle her debts and confesses her addiction to gambling. Julia feels taken advantage of and refuses to help her, except to cover the bill for her clothes and accessories.
Her clumsy fib had let him see that she hadsomething to conceal; and she was sure he had a score to settle with her.Something in his smile told her he had not forgotten. She turned from thethought with a little shiver, but it hung on her all the way to thestation, and dogged her down the platform with the persistency of Mr.Rosedale himself. Under the Georgian porch she paused again, scanning the street for ahansom.
None was in sight, but as she reached the sidewalk she ranagainst a small glossy-looking man with a gardenia in his coat, whoraised his hat with a surprised exclamation. Perhaps I don’t regard it assuch a strong inducement to go and see you.” He felt a slight shiver downhis spine as he ventured this, but her laugh reassured him. As he reached this point in his speculations the sun came out, and herlifted parasol cut off his enjoyment. In the afternoon rush of the Grand CentralStation his eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Lily Bart.
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