Tuesday, January 12, 2021

8 Vastu Tips For Your Mandir Direction In Home

I know you must be thinking about what is the suitable direction for the placement of statues of the god. I am going to provide you with a very crystal clear understanding of the same. You can either build a room or install a room partition in the north-east or east-west section of the house. Regardless of the size, the mandir should be placed at an appropriate location so that it is easily accessible.

north west direction for puja mandir in home

In the Hindu tradition, a pooja, or puja, room provides a serene and sacred space in the home in which to pray to and meditate upon the family deity and gods. Some courier partners and Sellers do not work on Sundays and this is factored in to the delivery dates. If html does not have either class, do not show lazy loaded images. As already mentioned, to maintain the tranquility of a puja room, mandir vastu shastra says that subtle colours are preferable.

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Alternatively, you can install shapely holes in kitchen cabinet doors so that smoke from burning food can escape. You can place the mandir in the living room or the kitchen —but make sure it is in the northeast direction of your home. Colours pay just as important a role, so you want to be certain that you’re picking the right shades. Clean the puja room often, and regularly discard old flowers, ashed of incense sticks, and anything that dirties the pooja mandir.

It is seen as the most appropriate option and it's okay if you don’t have much space you can work out things as per the space available in your house. Let me tell you a temple in India is also known as a mandir. It is a sacred place where an individual worships a God.

●      The best metals for Pooja room utensils are metal and copper.

So, go for whites, off-whites, creams, pale pinks and light yellows as the mandir colours. Generally, you must avoid storing things in your mandir. You shouldn’t, however, store money or tricky books and items in the puja unit as this may hinder the positive vibe of the place. Avoid storing a lot of things in and around the mandir space.

Because these will not lend a sense of calm that is suitable for a prayer room. Never use black colour in the temple area, as it is strictly prohibited in mandir vastu. Similarly, use white marble or any light-coloured marble tiling for the flooring of your puja room. When it comes to constructing the home temple, it is important to find the right direction of mandir in home.

Use room divider for puja room

It is not advised to place a pomegranate tree in the pooja room because the’sun’ will affect the energy of the wooden mandir for home. You can also pray facing the west if the east is not an option, but avoid facing the south, as it’s generally considered inauspicious. You can customise a kitchen cabinet to make it work like a small mandir. While placing or designing the mandir face direction in home, make sure you are arranging the idols in such a way that you always face north or east while praying. The north or east direction bring positivity to the house; hence, praying towards those directions will facilitate the positive aura.

If you are time-pressed, we have done the research and reviewed some of the best pooja mandirs that you can consider buying. If you believe in Vastu shastra, we have also listed down a few tips that can help you position the mandir in the most appropriate direction. Rice kept in Puja thali are called ‘Akshat’ which are unbroken white rice and are always kept with Kumkum in the temple at home. Rice symbolizes auspiciousness, prosperity, and fertility.

This wooden mandir can either be wall-mounted or kept on a flat surface. Provide a staircase in the South, West or South-West corner of the living area. – Keep the North-East corner of living area clean and empty if possible. Never keep artificial flowers, dried flowers, and cactus or bonsai plants. I followed your advice and built my Pooja Mandir on the northeast side.

The most important thing to remember when designing such houses is to adhere to proper Vastu principles. Remember not to be concerned about the Vastu stories that surround such dwellings. Light and happiness and that will ultimately be of great help for the members living in that space.

●      Keeping a bell and actively ringing it in the Pooja room in the west can attract vital positive energies.

A two-shutter door is ideal, as per pooja room Vastu. According to the pooja room Vastu, idols should not face each other. When designing a home temple or mandir or Pooja room as per Vastu, make sure that the temple faces the direction specified in Vastu Shastra. Nowadays, people live in apartments, and often it is difficult to have a dedicated pooja room. However, there are many interesting ways to create a serene puja room. Make sure you follow the rules of Vastu for pooja rooms in flats.

north west direction for puja mandir in home

The Pooja Temple should not be facing in the south. When performing pooja, the size of the mandir is not important. Don’t put pictures of deceased people in the Puja room. The pooja room at home is a place filled with positive vibrations; hence one should be very careful of what to keep and remove from the pooja room. The entrance of the puja hall must have a threshold. Natraj the Rudra form of Lord Shiva, is the angry incarnation of Lord Shiva.

Mandir Direction in Home

Vastu principles ensure that their daily lives are vibrant and healthy. In this way, we've gathered some handy Vastu tips for east-bound homes exclusively for those of you who are fortunate enough to live in such a favorable location. When it comes to purchasing a home for your family, your natural inclination is to look east. One at the moment, then you can even make a separate pooja room as per the Vastu Shastra.

north west direction for puja mandir in home

● Keeping a bell and actively ringing it in the Pooja room in the west can attract vital positive energies. The idol of the Lord Ganesha must be placed on the left side of the goddess Lakshmi and the Goddess Saraswati must be placed on the right side of goddess Lakshmi. If you want to get some benefits from Vastu Shastra, then make sure that you pay full attention to the placement of the idols of the god. The face of the idols should not be covered with garlands and flowers. The area where the temple is present should be a zone of tranquility that is full of divine energy. It’s not a good idea to have a mandir in the bedroom.

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If you have a small altar in the north-east zone of your house, it is advisable to place it in the north-east zone. The Puja thali can be made of silver, brass, copper, meenakari embellishment, or even steel. Always keep rice kumkum, turmeric Diya, and flowers. One can also keep sandalwood paste, betel leaves or betel nuts, Kalash and Prasad if possible or one can keep them separately.

11 light ideas for your home that you will fall in... Or just re-creating everything or maybe just want to do few changes in the house so as to enhance the look. You have no idea but moving small, little, unnoticeable things actually makes a lot of difference. It at the end makes a huge difference which we never thought it could actually make. For Indians, Vastu Shastra has always been a prior and the most important term for styling our house.

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